Frequently Asked Questions

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Sponsor a Community

Absolutely! As long as you sponsor a community and make your first donation before June 30th, your charitable contribution will be tax deductible on your next refund.

Sponsor a Community is an initiative from ChildFund Australia that allows you to sponsor communities in one of the countries where we work.  As a community sponsor you will receive regular updates online or in the post on how your support is helping to provide long-term solutions to children and their families to break the cycle of poverty. 


Your community sponsorship funds are pooled with donations from other supporters to help transform entire communities. Community sponsorship funds help provide healthcare, safe drinking water, education and income-generation skills for individuals and families, ensuring no one in a community is left behind. Children are at the centre of every locally developed initiative, and there is a focus on empowering community members so they can help themselves and reshape their own futures.

Visiting the community you sponsor could be one of the most enriching and memorable experiences of your life. It also provides you with the unique opportunity to see first-hand the enormous difference that your contributions are making in the community you support. ChildFund Australia can arrange for you to visit the community you support. Please call Supporter Relations on 1800 023 600 at least three months ahead of your planned departure date so arrangements can be made and a police check conducted. A National Office representative will accompany you during your visit. You will be required to cover expenses incurred by yourself and the national office representative as part of the visit.