In my community I helped form a group of mothers who had children under five years of age, where I passed on the information I learnt in the training sessions. Since I had no children younger than five (my children are nine and 13), the other mothers appointed me workshop leader and gave me the opportunity to share with the group and to get more experience working with parents and children.
I always had my husband`s support throughout this process. On the days I had training sessions or workshops, I did the housework ahead of time, so I could go out feeling content.
After completing the training process with ChildFund, which lasted about 10 months, I now realise how much I have learnt. I now understand how important it is for children to develop according to their age, and how a good diet and living in a peaceful household contributes to their development. Children grow up safe and happy if they live in a home where there is no abuse among family members.
At the end of last year, I had the opportunity to apply to be a FOCI community mobiliser, and I won the job! I am now part of an organisation which gives me the opportunity to serve my community. I have now finished my preschool teacher studies, and I am very happy because my family lives in harmony. My husband and I learnt that to devote time and love to our children helps them grow up healthier and happier.