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Welcome Back!

Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.


While you are waiting for your Authority to Fundraise you can continue organising your event but you cannot collect any donations until you receive your Authority to Fundraise.

By far the easiest way to fundraise is by creating a fundraising web page on Everyday Hero and sending a link to all your friends and family asking them to make a donation.

All fundraisers need an Authority to Fundraise. This is required by law.

Firstly, talk to your employer as all companies operate their matched donations program differently. We can provide you with a letter regarding your fundraising along with a summary of all the donations received for your fundraising to date.

Once you know what your company needs to make their matched donation, contact our Community Fundraising Officer.

All money raised from your event should be received within two weeks of your event taking place. Refer to the Fundraiser’s Toolkit for methods  of payment.

Unfortunately, ChildFund Australia only has insurance for employees and cannot provide insurance for any venue or council. You will have to speak to the venue or council about the insurance required and where to purchase it.

We encourage you to talk to your local media regarding your fundraising as they may feature a story about you in their paper/program. You can also contact our communications team to discuss this further.

We would love you to include the ChildFund Australia logo on any promotional materials for your event. Please remember, all materials must be approved by ChildFund Australia prior to print and distribution. Get in touch with our communications staff to see how they can help you promote your fundraising event.

Donations are tax deductible when a donor receives nothing in return for their donation. For example, donations made online, gift registry donations or company matched donations. Donations are not tax deductible when a donor receives something or the chance to win something. For example, donations for morning tea, purchases of raffle tickets or event tickets for a show

It can be more expensive to send goods overseas than it is to buy them in country and, with often unreliable postal services in the countries where we work, it is more efficient and safe to send monetary donations to assist those in need. It is also important to support small businesses in the aftermath of any emergency, so buying goods in-country can be an important part of the recovery process for local communities.