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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Fundraise with us and collectively make a donation with impact.

Fundraising provides you with a great way to help children who live in poverty by collectively making a donation with impact.

There are so many ways to get involved – start helping today!

ChildFund Australia Fundraising Guide

This Fundraising Guide offers you support for your fundraising activities. Read on for some handy tips and a few basic rules you can follow to make the most of your effort. You can also find the fundraising proposal form on the last page.


What are you waiting for?

Get started on making a difference today!

    Fundraisers Details

    Funds you aim to raise details


    Frequently Asked questions

    While you are waiting for your Authority to Fundraise you can continue organising your event but you cannot collect any donations until you receive your Authority to Fundraise.

    By far the easiest way to fundraise is by creating a fundraising web page on Everyday Hero and sending a link to all your friends and family asking them to make a donation.

    All fundraisers need an Authority to Fundraise. This is required by law.

    Firstly, talk to your employer as all companies operate their matched donations program differently. We can provide you with a letter regarding your fundraising along with a summary of all the donations received for your fundraising to date.

    Once you know what your company needs to make their matched donation, contact our Community Fundraising Officer.

    All money raised from your event should be received within two weeks of your event taking place. Refer to the Fundraiser’s Toolkit for methods  of payment.