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Major Gifts

If you would like to discuss an area of interest and learn how you can make a lasting impact, please contact our Philanthropy Executive: or call 1800-023-600.

You can also send a cheque made out to ChildFund Australia. Please include a note telling us how to direct your gift and send it to:

ChildFund Australia
C/O Philanthropy
Level 8, 162 Goulburn Street
Surry Hills, NSW 2010

If you wish to make a gift by wiring funds to ChildFund, contact our Single Giving Manager for details: or call 1800-023-600.

To arrange a planned gift (such as a Gifts in Wills or life income gift), please visit the Gifts in Wills section of this site or contact the Gifts in Wills Executive: or call 1800-023-600.

Most donors make annual gifts to projects of interest in conversation with ChildFund. Annual giving provides flexible resources that can be directed to ChildFund’s greatest needs and allows for planning.

ChildFund Australia and its managed country offices publish annual reports which include honour rolls. Unless you have designated your gift as anonymous, your name may appear in one of these reports at the appropriate gift level. We also welcome conversations around other naming opportunities.

Donors who have made a major gift – typically endowed funds or larger expendable funds – receive regular reports from ChildFund. Reporting may include contact from program staff and visits to in-country communities, depending on the nature of the gift. In addition, annual financial reports are sent to all major donors.

All major donors receive a tax receipt and thank you letter at the time of the donation. If you would like additional copies, please don’t hesitate to contact us: or 1800-023-600.

All gifts to ChildFund Australia are tax deductible in Australia.

ChildFund is a Deductible Gift Recipient and if you would like a copy of our current endorsement from the Australian Tax Office then please contact us: or 1800-023-600

To find out if your company offers a gift-matching program, ask your human resources department about your company’s policy. You will probably need to fill out a form provided by your company, which your company will send to ChildFund.

If your company offers matching gifts, please let us know at the time you make your gift.

Expendable gifts are used in their entirety during a specific period of time. Gifts to an emergency, for example, are expendable. Some larger expendable gifts are used over longer periods for 3-5 years.

Endowment refers to funds meant to exist in perpetuity. These gifts are invested for the long term and intended to provide a permanent source of financial support for ChildFund Australia. Each year, a portion of the fund is paid out, usually about 5 percent, and used for the purposes the donor and ChildFund Australia agreed upon when the gift was made.