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Today will mark the official merger of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT).

November 1, 2013

ChildFund Australia commends AusAID for its contribution to poverty reduction

Today will mark the official merger of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT).

Established as a separate overseas agency over three decades ago, AusAID’s international development programs have made a significant and positive difference to the lives of many thousands of children, families and communities in countries around the world.

This would not be possible without the dedication and skills of its staff members, and ChildFund would like to commend AusAID employees for their demonstrated commitment to poverty alleviation.

The Government has a real opportunity to continue the success of Australia’s aid program and make widespread improvements in the lives of the world’s poorest people.

ChildFund looks forward to continuing its close relationship under the AusAID NGO Cooperation Program, and to working in partnership with DFAT staff to deliver programs that bring positive change to the world’s poorest communities.