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Child-focused international development agencies ChildFund Australia and Educo, members of the ChildFund Alliance, have launched a new collaboration model in Cambodia.

September 12, 2017

ChildFund prioritises education for children in Cambodia with Educo collaboration

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, September 2017: Child-focused international development agencies ChildFund Australia and Educo, members of the ChildFund Alliance, have launched a new collaboration model in Cambodia.

ChildFund Cambodia has taken over the management and implementation of Educo’s programs in Battambang Province and Phnom Penh.

Combining the strengths and expertise of ChildFund and Educo ensures programs are delivered effectively, efficiently, and for the greatest benefit of vulnerable children and families.

Prashant Verma, ChildFund Cambodia Country Director, says: “Both organisations have a strong education focus, while ChildFund is increasingly delivering interventions in the areas of child protection and resilience, youth empowerment as well as our traditional areas of health, livelihoods and water and sanitation.

“Merging our operations means we can capitalise on our many years of expertise in child-focused development initiatives. Our work in Cambodia will also now benefit from improved cost-efficiencies, as we seek to develop new programs to improve the lives of Cambodia’s poorest children and families. This includes the opportunity to seek grant-funded opportunities which are only available to NGOs working in multiple regions of the country.”

Sarah Razafindramanana, Acting Country Representative of Educo in Cambodia, says: “We are committed to implementing programs that will ensure the wellbeing of children in the regions where we work, particularly in the areas of education, child protection and governance, as well as community development interventions that will contribute to realisation of child rights as embodied in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

“Being a member of the ChildFund Alliance, and forging this cooperation with ChildFund Cambodia, means we can leverage future initiatives to improve policy and programme environments in Cambodia for the well-being of children and their families.”

Students, education officials and local government representatives celebrated the partnership with a launch event at ChildFund Cambodia’s new office in Battambang this month.

ChildFund Cambodia also delivers programs to rural communities in Svay Rieng and Kratie.