Sydney, Australia, 10 November 2014: With Christmas just around the corner, there’s no better time to do something really good for children living in poverty.
ChildFund Australia’s Gifts for Good is not just a fun and easy way to give your friends and family something truly meaningful for Christmas. It’s also a powerful way for you to make dreams come true for children in some of the poorest communities in the world.
“Through Gifts for Good, you can treat your loved ones to a meaningful gift that completely transforms the life of a child living in poverty,” says ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence. “It’s a wonderful way to make Christmas special not only for your family but a child in need.”
Each year, children like Veth have their lives transformed through a simple gift that means the world to them and helps unlock their potential. Veth (pictured above) is a 14-year-old girl who lives in a remote village in Cambodia. Her family is poor but she is determined to get an education.
“The thing I am most afraid of is not being able to go to school,” says Veth. “It is very difficult to get to school as it is so far and the road is difficult. And it can be dangerous.”
Veth received a bicycle through Gifts for Good last Christmas. Because of that bicycle, Veth can now get to school every day and her journey is much quicker and safer. That simple gift of a bike is securing her education and her future.
“All the kids in my village would love to go to school like me because after we study, we will have a job,” says Veth. “When I grow up, I want to become a teacher because I want to help young people.”
There are dozens of great Gifts for Good to choose – from a $14 sanitation kit to keep children safe from disease to a $459 milk-giving cow. There are bicycles, seeds for growing nutritious vegetables, businesses loans for mums, newborn kits for babies and loads of farmyard friends.
For every Gifts for Good you purchase, ChildFund Australia will send you a special gift card showing your gift and its benefits, for you to give to your friends or loved ones.
To order your Gifts for Good, shop online at or call 1800 023 600