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Emergency food for families in Myanmar after Cyclone Mocha

Eighteen-year-old Ma Thein*, from Rakhine, was forced to live on one meal a day when Cyclone Mocha hit Myanmar in May.

The teen was one of more than a million people impacted by the disaster, one of the strongest cyclones – with winds up to 250km/h – to ever hit the country.

The cyclone killed nearly 150 people and devastated thousands of homes, schools, and businesses. Ma Thein’s home in Rakhine state – which was already affected by ongoing conflict – was hit hardest.  

Ma Thein was living with her sister and working as a casual labourer when the cyclone destroyed their home, a humble thatched hut. Ma Thein and her sister found their expenses rapidly rising, having to pay for everyday living costs such as food, as well as for repairs, with little to no income.  

In response to the impact of Cyclone Mocha, ChildFund Myanmar and local partner, Ratana Metta Organization (RMO), have been supporting more than 1,600 households living in poverty with emergency food and hygiene packages. Ma Thein and her sister received food supplies such as rice, beans, and oil, and some hygiene products such as towels, soaps, sanitary pads, tooth paste and tooth brushes.

“We can now save some money to repair our house, pay for health care, and pay off old debts,” Ma Thein said. “I do not have enough words to say thank you.”

*Name has been changed

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