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Gift giving that brings joy to children at home and overseas

This Christmas, grandmother-of-seven, Christine Johnson, will be giving gifts that bring joy to people beyond the loved ones receiving them.

Instead of ordinary presents, Christine’s grandchildren, 12-year-old Michaela and 11-year-old Lachlan (pictured above), have asked Christine to donate Gifts for Good, to help children and their families in disadvantaged communities overseas.

Michaela and Lachlan chose two items each from this year’s ChildFund Gifts for Good catalogue, including mosquito nets to prevent children from contracting diseases such as malaria, and school supplies to help ensure vulnerable children could continue their education.

Lachlan also chose a dozen chickens, and Michaela a warm blanket and pillow.

Christine, a long-time ChildFund supporter, says Michaela and Lachlan have a strong social conscience and were enthusiastic about the idea of giving Gifts for Good this festive season.

“I’m so proud of them,” Christine says. “They really love doing things like that. They’re beautiful children and they’re very conscious of the environment and of others; they’re very empathetic with a lot of things going on in the world.

“They’re very aware about ways they can improve things in the world, so when I showed them the Gifts for Good catalogue they jumped at the idea.

“They were pleased about doing it.”

Christine with her grandchildren, 12-year-old Michaela and 11-year-old Lachlan, are giving Gifts for Good this Christmas, to help children and their families in disadvantaged communities.

For Christine, it has always been important to help people less fortunate and support initiatives that make a difference in the world. She began sponsoring children through ChildFund more than 27 years ago, and donates to several different charities. In addition to helping disadvantaged children, Christine is passionate about environmental causes, animal welfare and women’s empowerment.

“I would have been a working mum with three children at the time I started supporting ChildFund, but it was important to me to give back,” the former registered nurse says.

“I’m very lucky to live in Australia, and my children and grandchildren are too. I see these poor children and I think, I want to help them, even if it’s in a small way.

“I feel that we’re given a lot in Australia. A lot of people in other countries don’t have the support that we have.”

Today, Christine sponsors 15-year-old Temwa from Zambia through ChildFund, and she has been donating Gifts for Good for the past two years.

In addition to the gifts that Michaela and Lachlan chose from this year’s Gifts for Good catalogue, Christine also donated food to vulnerable families as her Christmas gift to her son.

“Buying Gifts for Good is such a good thing to do to help children,” Christine says. “I would recommend that others buy Gifts for Good this year and not buy things that are going to be thrown in the cupboard or thrown out. Do something for somebody instead.

“Children get so much at Christmas; it’s nice if people can think of children not as fortunate.”



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