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3 challenges for children in remote and rural schools

For children who live in remote areas like the Ngan Son District of Vietnam, teaching and learning facilities are often poor, and all too often there is no school within easy reach.

I’ve observed first hand the challenges children in remote areas face to reach school, so let’s discuss what we’ve seen in rural Vietnam, and how we can improve children’s access to education.

1. Children walk long and dangerous journeys to school

On my last visit to Vietnam, I visited a very remote area where children as young as five have to walk up to five kilometres every day to reach their closest school.

The idea of a young child having to walk so far alone is horrifying – there’s no infrastructure on the roads, and there’s a real danger of them having an accident on the way.

Right now, ChildFund is working in seven communities in the Ngan Son District, helping build schools for children who have difficulty accessing education.

2. Rural schools need better infrastructure

Schools in rural areas are often operating out of a single classroom, or in unsafe buildings. Others don’t have perimeter fences, which means animals and intruders can easily access the grounds, or children can walk out onto the road.

ChildFund is working with local communities to fund the development of child-friendly infrastructure in schools. This includes building safer classrooms, that are structurally sound, and located within child-safe boundaries.

We’re also making sure children have access to safe drinking water on school grounds, as well as functioning toilets and sinks to wash their hands.

A basic school like this one in Vietnam is the only option for many children

3. Teachers need training in children’s health and hygiene


A school needs more than just a classroom, it’s also important to have latrines and water to prevent students from getting sick.

We also help run vital health and sanitation programs for children and their teachers. These programs improve teachers’ knowledge of children’s hygiene and health. Children are taught about the importance of staying clean, washing their hands and drinking safe water.


Helping schools to help children in remote areas


Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, ChildFund is working with the government to address the challenges faced by children in remote communities. But there is still great need over here.

We want to help as many children as possible get the education they need to build a better future. Because every child should be able to say: “I am educated.”

Every child has the right to an education. Please help with a donation today. You can help restore for the future.

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