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A day in the life: Sarah Hunt, ChildFund Australia Global Programs Director

A day in the life: Sarah Hunt, ChildFund Australia Global Programs Director

In April, ChildFund Australia Global Programs Director, Sarah Hunt, travelled to the ChildFund in Laos Country Office for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Here Sarah was able to…

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Local Partner Spotlight: The Alola Foundation

Local Partner Spotlight: The Alola Foundation

ChildFund is committed to partnering with local organisations in the communities where we work, to reduce poverty and achieve long-term improvements in the lives of children and their…

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How Win May is empowering children in Myanmar to write their own life stories

How Win May is empowering children in Myanmar to write their own life stories

When Win May was a child, she dreamt of becoming a writer. The kind who inspires and sparks people’s imaginations and takes them to worlds they would have never gone on their own. Today, Win…

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