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Welcome Back!

Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.


1. The terms and conditions of this agreement between ChildFund Australia Ltd (“ChildFund Australia”), ABN 79 002 885 761 (User ID 003781) and you govern your recurring donation (“Contribution”) to ChildFund Australia. This agreement replaces any former agreement you may have entered with ChildFund Australia.

2. You authorise ChildFund Australia, depending on your choice of payment method, to either:

  • debit your nominated bank account on 15th of each month (“Debit Date”) or within three banking days thereafter for the Contribution nominated by you unless another date has been agreed with you. We may reattempt unsuccessful direct debits or contact you seeking instructions.
  • debit your nominated credit/debit card on 15th of each month (“Debit Date”) for the Contribution nominated by you unless another date has been agreed with you. If the payment fails, we will re-attempt to debit your account.

3. For card payments, ChildFund Australia will pre-authorise $1 against your card to validate the details; this is for your added safety and security. This is not a charge against your account.

4. You agree that:

  • there will be sufficient funds in your nominated bank account or card account to cover the Contribution on the Debit Date. Any dishonour fees incurred against your account by your financial institution are your responsibility.
  • In the instance of a direct debit, you will confirm with your financial institution that your nominated account can accept direct debits.
  • you will advise ChildFund Australia if the nominated bank account or card account is transferred or closed.

5. You may make the following changes regarding your Contribution by written notice to ChildFund Australia or by verbally advising our Supporter Relations team at least 10 working days prior to the next Debit Date:

  • change the frequency of your Contribution.
  • increase or decrease your Contribution.
  • defer a particular debit and arrange to catch it up at an agreed later date.
  • cancel all debits and terminate this agreement with ChildFund Australia.

Our contact details are located at the bottom of this agreement. Please include your Supporter Number (A0xxxxxxx), referenced in our emails and letters, in all communication.

6. Where you have given your consent during the sign-up process, ChildFund Australia will increase your donation by $1 each year in line with cost increases to the delivery of our services. If you wish to remove your consent, please contact Supporter Relations.

7. ChildFund Australia reserves the right to change the terms on which you have entered this agreement by giving you 14 days written notice. Changes may include altering the Debit Date, altering the frequency of Contribution, or increasing the amount of the Contribution. In the event of an increase, you will be given the opportunity to opt-out of the increase. You will be bound by such changes unless you advise ChildFund Australia that you do not agree to them by written notice or by verbally advising Supporter Relations.

8. Where you believe that a debit to your bank account or card account (whichever is relevant) has been made without your authorisation (“Unauthorised Debit”) you agree to advise ChildFund Australia by written notice or verbally advise Supporter Relations immediately upon becoming aware of the Unauthorised Debit.

9. ChildFund Australia agrees to refund the amount of the Unauthorised Debit to you where we cannot show that you authorised the Debit. Refunds can only be credited to the bank account or card originally debited.

10. If you are not satisfied with ChildFund Australia’s handling of the Unauthorised Debit you should contact your financial institution who should respond to you within 30 days.

11. Your record and account details will be kept securely and in compliance with Privacy legislation. Disclosure will be made only to initiate the drawing from your nominated account or if requested by you or your financial institution if a claim is made for an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit. For full details of our Privacy Policy, visit

12. By you entering into this agreement, we will obtain personal information about you, as that term is defined by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Personal Information”). By signing this agreement, you agree that ChildFund Australia may collect your Personal Information to process your Contribution and you consent to ChildFund Australia transferring relevant parts of your Personal Information overseas to its affiliated offices and to its suppliers, to the extent reasonably required by ChildFund.

13. You agree that ChildFund Australia has the right to terminate this agreement by written notice to you in its absolute discretion without giving any reasons.

14. The governing law of this agreement shall be the law of New South Wales and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.

Protecting your privacy

ChildFund Australia is committed to respecting your privacy and your right to control how information held on your behalf is used. Your personal information will remain private and will only be used for the purposes outlined below.

Personal details collected by ChildFund Australia will be used to process your donation, provide tax receipts, and keep you informed about the progress of your sponsored child. You will also be kept informed of ChildFund Australia through mail, email, SMS, or telephone. This may include ChildFund Australia newsletters, program updates, appeals or other information. Please contact Supporter Relations if you wish to change any of these methods of contact. Our full collection notice is available at and our full privacy policy is available at

Contacting Us

If you want to contact us for any reason in relation to this agreement or ChildFund Australia’s privacy policy, please contact Supporter Relations as below:


Phone: 1800 023 600 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm AEST)

Mail: ChildFund Australia
Level 8
162 Goulburn Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010