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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

At ChildFund, our aspiration is for every child to be able to say:

“I am safe. I am educated. I contribute. I have a future.”

ChildFund Australia works in partnership with children, their communities and local organisations to create lasting change, respond to humanitarian emergencies and promote children’s rights.

Our organisational aims are also aligned with the Global Goals: to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change. This also includes specific targets to reduce violence against children, which has been the cornerstone of ChildFund’s Free From Violence campaign.

In order to support these targets, ChildFund’s programs focus on promoting the participation of children in community life, strengthening their protection, and advancing their rights, so that all children, regardless of their birthplace, have access to the same essential opportunities.

I am safe

We support communities to keep children safe from harm, help build effective child
protection systems and provide emergency humanitarian assistance in times of natural
disaster and conflict.

This includes

  • Distribution of emergency shelter, materials and food rations during humanitarian emergencies;
  • Specialised child protection projects for vulnerable and high risk groups of children and youth;
  • Setting up Child Centred Spaces where children have a safe place to play, learn and receive trauma support following a natural disaster;
  • Initiatives to prevent and respond to family violence

You can learn more about ChildFund’s Child Protection initiatives and policies in the Publications and Reports section of our website.

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I am educated

This includes

  • constructing new schools and renovating existing schools;
  • providing classroom furniture, equipment and materials, including school libraries and playground equipment;
  • training school teachers and educational leaders (principals and education officials);
  • building the awareness of parents and the community about the value of education.

To see just how ChildFund is helping thousands of children around the world you can read Win’s story, an 8 year old boy in Myanmar.

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We implement projects to give children early childhood education and access to quality schools where they acquire essential skills in literacy and numeracy, while also being given the opportunity to take part in creative arts, sports and vocational training activities.

I contribute

Our programs give children and youth the confidence to share their opinions, and to participate in family and community decision-making on issues which affect them.

This includes

  • promoting child and youth agency by increasing involvement in child clubs;
  • training children and youth on digital media, so that they can tell their own stories;
  • establishing child-to-child peer education networks;
  • encouraging participation in effective sport programs and activities, developing teamwork and leadership skills.

ChildFund publishes one of the world’s largest global polls of children’s views, giving them a chance to have their voices heard.

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I have a future

This includes

  • treating, preventing and immunising children against diseases;
  • constructing and renovating primary healthcare and sanitation facilities;
  • training local healthcare workers and village health volunteers;
  • constructing new water and sanitation facilities in rural communities;
  • empowering communities to increase their level of food security through better farming.

ChildFund has been supporting children with your help for over 79 years, here’s just one example of how when we come together we can really make a difference.

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We implement programs which prioritise the health, wellbeing and resilience of children, working in partnership with their families and communities to ensure that their basic human rights are safeguarded and upheld.

Where We Work


36 Million children & families supported by ChildFund
Across 70 countries around the world

Where We Work


36 Million children & families supported by ChildFund
Across 70 countries around the world