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Info for
child sponsors

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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Transitioning from Child Sponsorship

Through the generosity of donors like you, that have sponsored children, ChildFund Australia has positively impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and their families for over thirty years.

ChildFund Australia is changing the way we work to reach even more children who urgently need your help. Over the next few years, your child sponsorship will come to an end, and your donations will continue to support children living in poverty in communities around the world – from Asia and the Pacific to Africa and the Americas. Your donations will help families learn how to grow their own food, build schools, train teachers, help mothers and children access essential health care, develop strong child protection systems, and provide clean water facilities. Whatever the project, you have our commitment that your donations will go to where they are needed most and will have the greatest impact for children.

You are creating real change and shifting the conditions that currently hold many children back. We look forward to sharing updates in the coming months about how your donations are making a positive impact.

Together we will continue to work towards every child being able to say:

“I am safe. I am educated.
I contribute. I have a future.”


Change Starts Here