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ChildFund Alliance is devastated to learn of the brutal attack on staff from World Central Kitchen. This tragic loss of life is
both unjustifiable and was entirely preventable. Our deepest condolences go out to their families.

April 5, 2024

ChildFund Alliance Condemns Attack on Humanitarian Workers in Gaza

ChildFund Alliance is devastated to learn of the brutal attack on staff from World Central Kitchen. This tragic loss of life is both unjustifiable and was entirely preventable. Our deepest condolences go out to their families.

Humanitarian workers play an essential role during a crisis and particularly so in times of war. Right now in Gaza, these workers are focused on ensuring the survival of everyday civilians – children and families – who have no involvement in the conflict being raged around them yet are most vulnerable to its worst impacts.

To date, it is estimated that close to 200 aid staff have been killed including more than 180 UN staff, marking the highest number of UN civilian aid workers killed in any conflict in such a short time since the creation of the organization. Our member WeWorld, which has operated in Palestine since 1992, has been delivering aid since the conflict began, and is deeply concerned about the safety of its own staff as well as the many agencies and workers it partners with.

Dina Taddia, CEO of WeWorld, said: “This attack has no precedent. The World Central Kitchen convoy had been coordinating its movements with the relevant Israeli authorities, as do other humanitarian agencies. Each aid delivery had been communicated in advance, the convoy was travelling in a safe zone, and their vehicle was clearly marked. What this attack means is that any humanitarian activity is Gaza is no longer safe, which could result in a suspension of all activities. This will have a catastrophic impact on the population in Gaza, especially women and children.”

It is absolutely imperative to protect humanitarian workers, as well as the civilian communities they serve. The loss of life in Gaza has now surpassed 32,000, with many thousands more injured. The death toll is largely made up of women and children.

ChildFund Alliance, along with humanitarian organizations and the international community, reiterates our call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Any barriers hindering the delivery of widespread humanitarian aid need to be removed to ensure its safe distribution across Gaza, facilitate unimpeded aid movements, and safeguard the welfare of humanitarian personnel. We urge the relevant parties to step up negotiations, bring this conflict to an end, and prevent any additional, and needless, loss of innocent life.

About ChildFund Alliance
ChildFund Alliance is a global network of 11 child-focused development and humanitarian organizations reaching nearly 36 million children and families in 70 countries. Our members work to end violence and exploitation against children; provide expertise in emergencies to ease the harmful impact on children and their communities; and engage children, families and communities to create lasting change. Our commitment, resources, innovation and expertise serve as a powerful force to help children and families around the world transform their lives.

For more details
Lisa MacSpadden, Director of Strategy and Engagement, ChildFund Alliance,
Andrea Comollo, Head of Communication Department, WeWorld,