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ChildFund Australia believes that every employee is entitled to be paid fairly and in a timely manner for the work that they undertake, and to be treated with respect in the workplace.

December 9, 2016

ChildFund statement: fair work practices for charity workers

ChildFund Australia believes that every employee is entitled to be paid fairly and in a timely manner for the work that they undertake, and to be treated with respect in the workplace.

This applies not only to those persons employed by ChildFund directly, but also to those employed by companies who help ChildFund to implement its mission of reducing poverty for children in developing countries.

Several instances of unfair and unreasonable work practices by charity fundraising companies have been reported by the media in recent months. None of these reports have involved companies currently engaged by ChildFund. Nevertheless, when these allegations were first raised months ago, ChildFund made the decision to undertake a detailed and thorough examination of all fundraising suppliers.

Working with a highly respected Australian law firm, with extensive experience in workplace matters and employment legislation, we can confirm that those suppliers with whom ChildFund works comply with all employment legislation.

Fundraising plays a vital role in enabling ChildFund Australia to support vulnerable children and communities across the Asia-Pacific region, and we are grateful to all the teams of fundraisers, and donors, that make our work possible. Contributing to Australian aid should always be a positive experience.

ChildFund is committed to working with all relevant parties to ensure fairness and reasonable working conditions in the fundraising industry. ChildFund will continue to work closely with fundraising organisations, and the relevant regulatory bodies, to ensure that all contracted fundraising services conducted on behalf of ChildFund are undertaken in a respectful and appropriate manner, and that workers are treated fairly and their workplace rights respected.