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The ChildFund Alliance launched a new report into child violence and exploitation at a recent United Nations General Assembly event, jointly hosted with the United Nations Millennium Development Campaign. Children speak about being free from violence and exploitation includes the findings of over 50 focus groups conducted among children in 41 countries, examining their thoughts…

October 8, 2013

New ChildFund report reveals children’s views on violence

The ChildFund Alliance launched a new report into child violence and exploitation at a recent United Nations General Assembly event, jointly hosted with the United Nations Millennium Development Campaign.

Children speak about being free from violence and exploitation includes the findings of over 50 focus groups conducted among children in 41 countries, examining their thoughts and perspectives on violence and its impact in their communities.

Globally, the top three forms of violence and exploitation identified by children were sexual violence, child labour and physical and humiliating punishment. African children also highlighted harmful traditional practices and children in the Americas pointed to the issue of bullying.

Children identified numerous other risks including drug and alcohol abuse, dropping out of school,early pregnancy, forced engagement in criminal activity.

As deliberations continue on the post 2015 Millennium Development Agenda, the study finds that children worldwide are united in calling on global leaders to focus on three areas to create a safer world for children:

  • increasing awareness of child violence;
  • enacting laws to protect children
  • punishing offenders who commit violence or exploitation against children.

The prestigious event, held in UNICEF House in New York, included panelists Amina Mohammed, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advisor for Post-2015 Development Planning, as well as representatives from government, UN entities and civil society, and child advocates.

Speaking at the event, Andrew Johnson, ChildFund Alliance Deputy Secretary General, said: “Children have made it clear that we should not miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to make them free from violence and exploitation.”

Watch Johnson, on Al Jazeera News, talking about the report findings: