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ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence has penned an open letter to children.

November 20, 2015

Open letter to world’s children from ChildFund CEO

Dear children and young people,
On behalf of ChildFund I am writing to express best wishes for Universal Children’s Day, that will be celebrated globally on November 20th.
This is a day that reminds people of the world —children and adults— of the importance of the human rights of children as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). For ChildFund staff, partners and supporters, the CRC is of the greatest importance because it sets out the ideals that we want to see realised for every child’s rights to survive, develop, to be protected and to participate in decisions.
Universal Children’s Day is also a time for adults, organisations and governments to remember their responsibilities to care for and respect children, and to re-commit to meeting these obligations as duty-bearers. There is much to be done in all countries around the globe to ensure that every child has their rights respected and upheld.
This special day also provides an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the joy, promise and the many contributions that children bring to the daily lives of families, communities and societies. Thank you for the many ways that you enrich our lives!
Wherever you are at home, at school, in your village, community or neighbourhood I sincerely hope that you will enjoy Universal Children’s Day and the days and weeks ahead in safety and in good health, with family, friends and others who show care and respect for children.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Spence