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5 Activity Ideas For International Day Of The Girl Child

On October 11th, we celebrate International Day of the Girl Child. This event is a day to honour and raise awareness about the importance of girls around the world. Girls have been facing many challenges as they grow up in this society. 

International Day of The Girl Child reminds us that every girl deserves an equal opportunity for education, health care, and life choices regardless of who she is or where she lives. We’ve shared 5 ways to celebrate International Day Of The Girl Child below. With uncertainty around what Australia will look like in terms of restrictions, we’ve kept the list restriction-friendly!

1. Get your popcorn and watch an inspiring movie

Celebrate this year’s International Day of The Girl Child by watching some heroines on screen. Whether you plan a family night all together or organise a Zoom viewing party with friends online, you can find inspiration from leading ladies on screen.

Movies to watch this International Day of The Girl Child

Hidden Figures: The three brilliant African-American women who were doing the math that would actually get a rocket man into space before their Soviet adversary.

I Am Greta: A powerful documentary that follows climate change activist Greta Thunberg as she crusades for the health and well-being of the planet. It captures her eco activism and commitment, and the bouquets and brickbats that come with it.

Here I Am: This story of three generations shows the resilience of Aboriginal women, touching on motherhood, racism, the justice system and friendship.

2. Learn about amazing women in Australia and around the world

Taylah Grey, Megan Davis, Greta Thunberg, Indra Nooyi, Malala Yousfzai, Jane Goodall; if you don’t know who these girls and women are, why not spend this International Day Of The Girl Child learning about them?

You can look at purchasing their book or researching their work online and find ways you can support the work they are doing and how it supports people (and animals) around the world.

3. Raise awareness on social media

Sharing pictures of women and girls who inspire you or amazing women in your life with the hashtag #DayOfTheGirl or #GirlsBelongHere is a great way to raise awareness of the day with your social following. 

4. Start a conversation about gender equality

Sometimes raising awareness with those around you can be as simple as having a conversation. This International Day Of The Girl Child jump on zoom with friends and family and talk about what gender equality means to you and the steps you’re taking to make this a reality.

5. Support vulnerable girls around the world

At ChildFund, we believe that a world where men and women are equal is something we can all work towards achieving. 

Girls around the world face many barriers on their journey from girlhood into adulthood. Whether due to inequality, lack of access or being denied opportunities simply because they are female—too often girls’ voices go unheard and dreams remain unfulfilled.

If you would like to support girls around the world to achieve their full potential, you can purchase a scholarship for a girl as a one-off donation or sponsor a girl monthly.

International Day of the Girl Child is a reminder to take action for girls everywhere. Whether you’re celebrating with your daughter, niece or friends, we hope that this list has provided some inspiration and ideas to make sure everyone can celebrate in style.

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