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Supporter Spotlight: Russell Spencer and Ursula Groves– champions for children’s education in Vietnam

Meet Russell Spencer and Ursula Groves– two generous individuals who have been supporting ChildFund Australia for nearly nine years.

Russell and Ursula have been long term supporters of Yen, aged 13, who lives in the Hoa Binh Province in Vietnam. They decided to donate computers to a primary and secondary school Yen attended so that more children could have a better education.

The students were thrilled to learn how to use the computers. One student at the secondary school, Chau aged 15, said: “When our school received the computers, I was very happy and excited. Before, when we didn’t have computers, we didn’t know how to look up the learning materials or find exercises. Now, we know how to look up learning resources and can learn more about the world around us.”

Changing education for communities of children

Russell and Ursula are passionate about providing learning opportunities to children. Initially they were interested in donating the computers because of Yen, but then they realised that they could help more children. Russell and Ursula both feel connected to Vietnam, its people and culture.

Happy with how well the computers were received by the students and teachers, Russell and Ursula decided to donate a second set to a separate school in the same province.

The school principal was so happy to receive the donation, sharing “I would like to say that we were so happy and pleased to receive your great gift, a computer room. The teachers and the students here dreamt of having them a long time ago, and now our dream has come true!”

Russell and Ursula know that other schools lacked these resources and believes in empowering every child with an education. Since setting up the computers, students have been learning typing and drawing skills. The children have been able to learn how to use the computers quickly and this has enhanced their education.

One teacher at the school shared that having access to these computers supported the students to become more adept at using technology. “The whole school and all of our students are very happy and honoured to receive these new computers. Before receiving them, most of the students lived in difficult circumstances and had limited access to information technology. They can now access the internet and learn about information technology easier,” she said.

In the future, Russell and Ursula hope to be able to support more education projects to help children like Yen and her peers to learn. After three donations, they have donated 32 computers to two schools in the Hoa Binh Province.

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