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What is World Food Day?

World Food Day is celebrated annually on 16 October and aims to raise awareness of ongoing efforts to eliminate poverty, hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.

Why is World Food Day important?

World Food Day aims to raise awareness of global hunger and encourage people to take action. The observance highlights the need to ensure food security for everyone around the world, especially those in remote communities who are most vulnerable.

When was the first World Food Day? 

The first World Food Day was held in 1979 and was established by FAO’s (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) Member Countries at the organisation’s 20th General Conference.

What is the theme for World Food Day 2022? 

The 2022 theme for World Food Day is “Leave no one behind”. 

The FAO states that access to, and the availability of nutritious food is being increasingly impeded by current global challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, conflicts, climate change, inequality and rising prices have created a domino effect. Millions of people around the world cannot afford a healthy diet, putting them at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition.

World Food Day 2022 aims to bring awareness to these issues, highlighting the need for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all. The theme of “Leave no one behind” emphasises that a sustainable world is one where everyone counts.

How can you get involved and celebrate World Food Day? 

Get involved and mark this World Food day in a meaningful way. Here are some of the ways you can get involved aYou can get involved and mark this World Food day in a meaningful way. Here are some of the ways you can get involved and celebrate World Food Day 2022:

  • Spreading awareness: Through social media or word-of-mouth, spread awareness about food security and the injustice of this issue that affects so many people around the world. 
  • Educating yourself and others: Take the time to educate yourself and the people around you by sharing facts and statistics about food security and the consequences of food shortages. here are a number of YouTube videos, stories, factsheets and blogs for you to discover.
  • Building a vegetable garden: A great way to teach your children about food is to show them where it comes from. Building a vegetable garden is a great way to spark conversation about food security and where our food originates. You can also consider donating fruit trees and vegetable seeds from our Gifts for Good range to families in need.
  • Becoming conscious of your food waste: In Australia each year, we waste around 7.3 million tonnes of food, which equals about 300kg per person. Try and minimise your food waste and encourage others to do the same. 
  • Taking action and making a donation: You can make a difference by donating to our Hunger Crisis Appeal and encouraging friends and family to do the same. Your money will go towards improving food security for children who are suffering due to severe shortages of food and water.

Make a meaningful change to help fight famine this World Food Day

Join us in working towards a world where every child can live a life free of hunger and famine. Food security is one of the most essential foundations to reducing poverty overseas, and improving the lives of the children and families with whom ChildFund works.

Severe drought, coupled with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, disease and conflict has led to more than 4 million people in Kenya being currently in need of emergency food assistance. More than a million of them are children and mothers, who are malnourished and urgently need food and water.

You can help to fight famine by donating to our Hunger Crisis Appeal this World Food Day, and ensuring that the most vulnerable children have a stable supply of food during the current global challenges. Your donation will provide emergency cash transfers to families who need it most.

Your donation will also help to provide water, livestock feeds, and prevent and treat malnutrition. Donate to our Hunger Crisis Appeal this World Food Day and help to make a difference to the lives of children and families most at risk.

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